Side and high altar lighting by ETC and ADJ
Renkus-Heinz Iconyx speakers custom designed and painted to blend in to the 100+ year old architecture.
Frazier loudspeakers with dual Panasonic projectors.
JBL CBT column/line array speakers for their contemporary worship space
Allen and Heath digital audio console for their contemporary worship space
ElectroVoice speakers, dual laser projectors with fixed frame screens
Danley Sound Labs speakers, front and rear laser projectors,
ElectroVoice speakers for main house and platform coverage.
ElectroVoice speakers, dual lazer projectors with fixed-frame screens.
Shure wireless microphones and antenna distribution, Extron record/streaming unit, SurgeX power conditioning/sequencing
Allen and Heath SQ digital audio mixer with digital stage box
Allen and Heath dLive DM64 and S7000 at FOH for worship center
Danley Sound Labs SH96 loudspeakers cover the Event Center
Frazier colum/line array speakers for choir loft
Frazier colum/line array speakers for choir loft
Fellowship hall acoustic panels by Perdue Acoustics to improve speech intelligibility
Fellowship hall acoustic panels by Perdue Acoustics to improve speech intelligibility
Acoustic panels by Perdue Acoustics - first stage of panels to reduce unwanted reflections and improve speech intelligibility.
Address: 3825 Gilbert Drive, Suite 147, Shreveport, LA 71104
Phone: (318) 861-5953
Business Hours:
Saturday and Sunday By Appointment
We accept Cash, Credit Card, and Check.